Did you notice? Google now also has it's own secure search engine website now. But I still wouldn't recommend it, since people worried about most is Google itself collecting our data. So having a secure Google search site with Google itself as the person we're scared the most, what's the point then?
Google secure site Ixquick privacy-protected site
Enter the websites through the 'proxy' button to use the feature
There is, however, another search engine that keeps your privacy, called Ixquick @ Ixquick.com . This site was awarded as one of the most secured website. Why? That's because unlike other sites, Ixquick don't keep your search history, they delete it. And besides that, they combine the searches on every search engine, Yahoo, Google, Bing, Astalavista, etc...
Recently, Ixquick added a new proxy service, which allows you to stay hidden all the way till you reach other websites, after leaving Ixquick. So, my conclusion is that Ixquick, is still a site that can be put on a trust more than Google's secure search site. If you have the chance, start using Ixquick now.
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