Ahh!! It's good to be back!! Yeah I took this from Iron Man 2, the movie's just freaking awesome! Anyways, back to the point.
This is another Solutions post to answer the guy named 'kuku' through cbox. So basically, he/she asked whether a person can recover his files back after he/she permanently delete it, or after emptied out from the Recycle Bin. Well, yes you can, but you'll need to do it quick, here's why.
When you store your file on a disk, the file is 'locked'. So when there are new files to write on the disk, it won't overwrite the files that have been 'locked', to show that it is still being used and not deleted yet by the user.
When you delete a file, you remove the 'lock'. So when new files are being written, it is given the permission to overwrite the 'unlocked' files. That is why deleted files are still recoverable, they still exist on the disk, but is exposed to the danger of being overwritten. And here is the ending part of why you have to QUICKLY recover before other files overwrites it.
Here's a drawing of mine to show what I just said,
There are a few utilities here that is can be used for recovering files, one of them is 'Tuneup Utilities'.
Steps :
- Download from Hotfile (choose 'Regular Download')
- Install
- Register with the serial given
- Find the utility that let's you recover files
- Go through the easy steps given ...& done!
As a reminder, again, if you accidentally deleted a file, quickly recover it, otherwise the file might be overwritten by new ones and will be irreversible after that.
HOLD YOUR HORSES! Not the right solution you're looking for? Please DO contact me at my
Facebook Page,
Cbox or at my email at sillystark09 @ live dot com. Always there to help you.