Embed Video Player In PowerPoint | Great Computer Tips In 1.2.3. Steps

13 Feb 2010

Embed Video Player In PowerPoint

  In PowerPoint, you have the option to add videos through inserting movies from file, the usual way. But from this method, the video will just show as a frame, without any control or anything. The only thing you can do with the video is either play or pause it. By actually inserting the player into powerpoint, you can do better with the video just like a normal video player you have on your computer. Example, choosing between points of where you want to play, adjusting volume etc. etc.

Click To Enlarge
 Steps for PowerPoint 2007:
  1. Office Button > PowerPoint Options
  2. Popular > "Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon" > OK
  3. Under "Developer" tab, click the "Hammer & Spanner" icon for "More Controls"
  4. Choose "Windows Media Player" > OK > Draw your video screen size
  5. Right Click > "Properties" > under "URL", type video name (bla.wmv) > "Enter" ...& done!

Steps for PowerPoint 2003:
  1. "View" > "Toolbars" > "Control Toolbox"
  2. Click the "Hammer & Spanner" icon for "More Controls"
  3. Continue steps 4 & 5 from Powerpoint 2007 instructions above ...& done!

  The video must be placed in the same folder you save your Powerpoint file, in order for it to find the video at the same root. This embedding method solves the problem for most people who wants to burn their projects into CD. Now the video can be viewed within Powerpoint from CD without problem. You can also try other players if you like.

HOLD YOUR HORSES! Not the right solution you're looking for? Please DO contact me at my Facebook Page, Cbox or at my email at sillystark09 @ live dot com. Always there to help you.


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