Messenger Plus! Live (One Heck Of An Extension) | Great Computer Tips In 1.2.3. Steps

22 Dec 2009

Messenger Plus! Live (One Heck Of An Extension)

  Am I exaggerating? I'm not sure. That'll depend on you. I got scolded by my friends while I was using one of it's scripts on them for fun. I was just TEASING, YOU HEAR THAT "FRIENDS"?! This extension for Windows Live Messenger is used for extra customizing on the program itself, giving itself more features than the original self.

  The main thing I posted this is because this is needed for the implementation of the anti-virus script that i stated here, Blocking Messenger Spams (SPIM). Messenger Plus! Live works by putting scripts into your Live Messenger, giving you access to more features like unlimited nudges (I've never grown tired of that) and customizing the font and colour of your words and background colour.

Windows Plus! Live website
Advantages :
  • More features for you, allowing you to customize more in Live Messenger
  • Extra protection, if you do use the script i stated in the link above
  • This extra feature called 'lock mode', can hide all your messages and disguise the messenger icon in the taskbar with something normal (or dull) to prevent other people from opening it up (useful in offices)
Steps :
  1. Download latest version from main website
  2. Install it
  3. Get the all the scripts you want from the same website, then import it using the Messenger Plus! Live ...& done!
I'm not going to suggest any scripts for your Messenger, just the anti-virus script, because I don't want you coming here and blame me for anything you've done to piss off your friend(s).

HOLD YOUR HORSES! Not the right solution you're looking for? Please DO contact me at my Facebook Page, Cbox or at my email at sillystark09 @ live dot com. Always there to help you.


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